A Community Dedicated to Positively Impacting the Health, Vitality, & Freedom of 100 Million Souls

We invite you on this transformative journey of optimal health, true freedom, fulfillment and life in harmony with the Earth & each other

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About Us

We’re Taking Action For The Change

At Origen we are going where there is no path & leaving a trail, while cultivating bridges for us to cross together that challenge & inspire us to optimize our health, expand our consciousness, find our purpose & the greatness within. We are committed to seeking the ultimate truth & freedom. We invite you to move forward with courage, & enthusiasm, to emerge with a new found appreciation of ourselves & our place in the world. Join us for this life-changing & transformative journey together!

At Origen, we’re more than just a platform for transformation; we’re renowned for our community, where you emerge as an elevated version of yourself, finding a newfound place in the world. We invite you to join our community, move forward in your transformative journey with courage and enthusiasm. Join us for this life-changing experience together!”

Featured Courses


18 Transformational Breathwork Journeys


5D Breathwork Deep Dive & Self Awareness program

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How We Impact Our World

The Law of love is foundational to other laws. Our Universe, nor our lives actually work without it.

Love Yourself Unconditionally

Love yourself unconditionally for better mental, emotional well-being. It helps in dealing with challenges and stress, making you resilient and positive. Accept your flaws, be kind & compassionate to yourself.

Do No Harm

“Do No Harm” is powerful. We must create a positive and safe environment for ourselves and each other. This means we do nothing to trespass against others. I own me, and my property, and you own you and yours. This is the golden rule. We can make a better world by doing no harm.


To grow and become our best, we must practice self-correction through self reflection. Through radical ownership of our own stuff, when we are triggered, what the lessons are, and through the perceived obstacles and difficulties in our lives, realizing that everything is happening for us as opportunities to learn, heal and expand. It takes courage, vulnerability, and radical honesty. The rewards are immeasurable. By approaching life and relationship in this way, we can become the best version of ourselves. Embrace self-correction, commit to growth, overcome obstacles, and reach your fullest potential.

Love Always Tells The Truth

Love means being honest, even when it’s hard. It’s about caring for the person you love, even if it means having tough conversations. Telling the truth in love leads to growth, healing, and deeper connections. In the end, love always tells the truth, and is not based on human perception. Truth is what is, beyond the lens of perception.

Love Always Seeks To Discover What Is True

Follow your heart and trust in God/Source to truly know the truth, and unlock doors with love. To do this, one must look beyond their own lens or imagination of the truth and requires deep vulnerable communication at time. Trust the journey, seek within, and believe in yourself. Let love guide and light the way. Ask yourself in every situation, what would love do?

Love Is Unconditional

Love knows no boundary, heals wounds, bridges differences, and reminds us of the value of every person. Let’s spread unconditional love to create a better world.

Love Remains Detached

Love endures through adversity, lifting us up and guiding us. Practicing detachment is an opportunity to deepen our understanding and appreciation of the power of love and trust that what is happening is always happening for our highest good, even when we can’t see it. Detachment is the way for what is of the highest good to flow into your life, beyond what the mind can conceive in the moment. We can embrace detachment and draw strength from within, trusting in the power of love, recognizing that everything is a blessing.

Love Between Two People Allows Everything

Love is powerful. When two people are in love, anything is possible. It teaches us to give and accept. Let the love between you and your loved one inspire you to live intentionally and pursue your dreams. Embrace the power of love for a brighter future. When/if relationships, situations, become toxic and one moves into self sacrifice, you can distance yourself and love from afar.

About Page Changes

About Us

We are an ecosystem of wealth and wellness creation and optimizing services, and solutions, with the goal to support 100 million people on their journey back to abundant health and energy, deeper connection and communication, therefore creating more prosperity, balance, true freedom and fulfillment on every level, in every area of life, collectively crossing the bridge to a new way, and world that works for everyone! 

About Us

Aspects of Origen; these are the values we hold dear


To positively impact the health, wealth, vitality, and freedom of 100 million men and women, with programs, services, solutions and community to rebalance the self, the mindset, generate more energy, more money, deeper connections, more balance, and ultimate freedom and fulfillment on every level, and in every area of life. 


To co-create a vibrant, abundant, beautiful world of equality, oneness, vitality, freedom, and fulfillment with deep connection to ourselves, each other and the planet, one individual, one community and one eco-system at a time. It begins with you and ripples out as we remember and become examples for eachother. We call this and invite you to your journey back to the Origen.


Integrity, Responsibility
Authenticity: the truest, most natural representation of an individual’s nature or beliefs, without filter, including sensitivity, and connected to the highest aspect of true self, beyond all illusion. Service, Harmony, Play, Leaving better then when found Creativity, Curiosity
Humility: remaining humble at all costs.to release the need to inflate oneself or ones abilities. Standing in truth of what is, and within ones own abilities

How it Works;

Creating Steps and Bridges; Customer Journey

Imagine the steps, bridges, and progress into this world, [what I imagine as heaven on Earth], is possible, however we have to cultivate it one step, one bridge, one solution, one eco-system at a time and then create the bridges to each other, and these new eco-systems, and new operating systems, so that we can all play in this new game together, with the ultimate freedom and fulfillment. Here are the bridges within the Origen Ecosystem.


Bridge 1: Media; Legacy/Collective

Why: We imagine there is so much information, and not very much of it in traditional or mainstream media is inspiring or uplifting. That changes here, as it has with so many of our friends and partners we aim to share, from podcasts, documentaries, and other important content.

What: We share the story and journey of so many that have ventured into living a new life, on our own terms, building, connecting, thriving, cultivating our dreams, not the life we are made to believe is available for us.

Legacy; Be Legendary

We meet with living legends as they share their legacy, and we do legendary things [from workouts to climbing mountains, medicine ceremonies, retreats, healing tech, jumping out of planes, and more] that inspire us to inspire YOU to live into and leave YOUR Legacy. Because we all want to Be Legendary.

All new media, including; (Legacy, podcasts, interviews, stories, inspiring music, poetry, documentaries] from our many partners, to completely change the narrative!

Action: Engage in and consume as much media from Origen as you are able. We promise you, it will be educational and inspirational!


Bridge 2: Programs, Services, Solutions

Why: We imagine that so many of you are hurting and may not even know it! We imagine that the world has deceived many of you into trusting structures and norms that don’t have your best interests, optimal health, financial abundance, or even happiness in mind. We imagine a world where every wo/man has more energy, vitality and health than they know what to do with, leading them to freedom and fulfillment.

What: We are dedicated to service and supporting 100 million wo/men with products services, courses, workshops and free information to take your health, energy, mindset, relationships, wealth, fulfillment and freedom to the next level

Action: Dive in, take a chance on yourself, consume as much information as possible, fill your cup, move through free content, the membership, and higher level courses. Reach out to our partners and see what they have to offer. One thing is for sure if you aren’t growing and learning, you are slowing dying. Isn’t it time you really lived?!


Bridge 3: Community

Why: We imagine that in isolation, everything becomes more difficult. We need each other and we truly are one. If i judge, demean or hurt, you, i am truly only hurting myself. In this time, we need to lift each other, be a beacon of hope, and support.

What: This ecosystem and community is for you. To become an example and support others with your words, encouragement, and or genius. We have to do the work ourselves, but we don’t have to do the journey alone. We imagine you will become fans and affiliates yourselves and begin to generate wealth doing something you love!

Action: Join the Fb, or telegram groups, and start yapping on Yappa

Partner Journey

Join our Global network of Coaches and Explore their work.

Meet Founders And Uniters

Sorimar Estrada

Sorimar is a master alchemist and highly-rated Intuitive therapist of the soul with years of experience as a transformational mentor, energy practitioner, group facilitator and motivational speaker. Sorimar works with individuals, groups, and leaders around the globe to amplify their authenticity and empower them to reinvent themselves while fulfilling their soul mission. Sorimar is the founder of Mindful Serenity Healing, a container that enhances unity through sharing of divine information in social awareness, and in innovation.
She helps bring the unconscious to the conscious creating freedom in the Mind, Body and Soul. Her passion lies in investigating all that encompasses the mind, body and spirit; relationship with self, relationship with others, relationship with money, and our relationship with our energetic and physical body. She’s passionate about teaching higher levels of consciousness, helping people connect to higher states of being and creating a lifestyle of purpose, adventure and abundance. She has mastered a proven elevated level of manifestation that allows her to continuously co-create the life she desires.
Her approach stems from personal experiences, heart-based and science supported, remaining current with holistic modalities that allow for fast and successful results.
She holds beautiful sacred space, quickly understands situations, reads energies from past, present and future, provides shifts in biochemistry, the energy field, the body, the mind and the soul creating radical transformations.


Master Alchemist & Intuitive Therapist
Name: Sorimar Estrada
D.O.B 1/14/82
Favorite color – Coral
Favorite food – GF/vegan pizza
Natural Hair color – dark brown
Dream Vac Destination – Maldives
Business values – communication, honesty, freedom, trust, fun and laughter

Lee Davy

Breathing Coach

Lee Davy

Lee Davy is a playful, highly intelligent, dedicated, disciplined, expansively energized, seeker of morality, truth, connection. love and freedom at the highest levels. He does his best to live life according to these values and ethics, and always tries to do right by and for others, while forging a trail for those in need, where once there was no path. Origen and the Freedom Method are tokens of his intentions. Ever engaged in the art of self improvement, Lee is a whole systems thinker and problem solver, a nobleman of honour and truth, longing and striving for equality, abundance and healing for all people and the planet. A kind, gentle Soul, pure of heart with overflowing love for all wo/mankind, Lee’s strength of character is etched out of his willingness to first evolve himself and then to support others in their journey. He is a ferocious protector of virtues, the Divine feminine, and for those not able to take care of or speak up for themselves. Lee strives to know absolute truth, is not willing to shy away from the ‘tough questions’, or the ‘shadows’. A true seeker, with a willingness to go through hell and back if it means ‘knowing thyself’. The quest to ‘know’, ‘understand’ and ‘connect all’ gives Lee an openness and willingness to learn and glean new perspectives in order to walk forward in absolute truth, integrity, honesty, acceptance and faith, always striving to honour his Spirit and that of his Spiritual journey while honing and walking that of the physical realm. Lee takes it very personally and deliberately, as his responsibility, along with his desire for the betterment of wo/mankind and in doing so, shares, Origen Network, Legacy media, 5D Breathwork, Sacred Self Coaching, and the Freedom Method.