
Customer Journey

We took the liberty of creating a step by step journey for you to move through, if this does not resonate with you, of course, journey in any way you choose.
We recognize & honor everyone’s unique journey, we also realize how confusing this process can be and just how much information there is to move through in general.

We’ve decided to invite you to move through your Origen journey one step at a time. Of course if these steps don’t resonate with you, you can choose any path, coach, course, or program you desire that is in the highest service to you.
Beyond all of that, if you’re still not sure, we invite you to book a complimentary discovery call.

Enjoy our Free Course Content.

Join here for free and you can enjoy all of the free course content that collectively we have created, to ready you for the membership upgrade. Enjoy your journey

Attend the Free Self Mastery; Masterclass 

Every journey begins with an overview of information to deepen your understanding and this free masterclass gives you just that and is our first invitation for you. This class is an overview of many aspects of self mastery, including;

•  Neuro-pruning; the science of changing your brain, from the inside out, ho to change your brainwaves patterns, neurology & physiology
•  The importance of movement and how it supports you in liberating old stored energy and memories from your cells
•  How to differentiate, and maximize your thoughts, emotions, health, breath, mindset, meditation and more
•  The difference between the newtonian & quantum model of reality, how you can move from victim to victor, into conscious creator of your life
•  The importance of breath work, the neurophysiological response behind it
•  A deep, transformative breath work experience that will blow your mind


$22/month, $111/year paid in full

As you move into the membership platform, you gain access to elevated content, videos, podcasts, and a variety of courses, documentaries and more, including; Connected communities Ascension program, Self Mastery, I am balanced, 30 day Self Mastery, Unstoppable You, Breathwork Recorded Sessions, Eating Made Easy, The Art of Self Mastery, Honing the Vessel, Self First Challenge, Create your life 30 day Challenge, Health Hacking and much more from our growing list of partners.

Coaching Programs

We also have a variety of coaching programs, and retreats that are deeper, more personal experiences that are beyond what the general membership offers. Of course for being a member you enjoy bonuses and discounts for these programs.

5D Breathwork Deep Dive

Deepening into the next stage of your self mastery journey, is the breath work deep dive. The breathwork deep dive is a 3-week group coaching program that moves participants through masters level biology, physiology, neuroscience, emotional intelligence, and unification physics, combined with a deep experiential practice of a variety of breathing techniques, known as 5D breathwork, complete with the mechanics of abdominal activations, movements, a variety of meditations to cultivate a deeper level of personal awareness and understanding that, of course, leads to greater self-mastery. This program comes with an expansion workbook for study that you will take home to deepen your practice and learn self-mastery in a variety of areas, so long as you stay committed. 

Sacred Self Mastery; Freedom Method

This is our flagship, 6 month group leadership program and is based on the 5 step Freedom Method. By the end of our 6 months together, you can expect to have a profound understanding and acceptance of who you truly are, while reclaiming your power, health, energy, purpose, and mindset, and simultaneously become more mindful, and present with more clarified intentions, goals, and steps to take in your life. You will have built up your tool belt and resilience to more clearly continue your journey of self mastery, as you step into radical self responsibility and the ability to align with and operate from the higher laws, while being able to express your own laws, set up your no trespassing signs to take back your property, while beginning to step away from and outside of certain societal jurisdictions. You are now empowered to lead your life from a place of power, co-creation, and the narrative you choose to create, rather than the one you are told to. In essence the mission you choose to champion moves through you in your life and business because of who you now know and remember yourself to be.

Our Latest Projects

Mind/Body/Spirit Booklet

This short and concise booklet is a Coles notes of do’s, don’ts, tips, tactics, and resources for everyone to optimize and implement practices that create alignment, balance, more energy, clarity, focus, vitality, and free up time for family, connection and play.

Men Of Means

Men supporting each other’s healing journeys. Let’s inspire, lift up, and create safe spaces to heal and grow, overcoming challenges we face as men and embrace vulnerability by seeking support. We value radical honesty, radical integrity, radical ownership and radical play. Join us Today!

Why Be Part Of This Community?

Our Journey Together Summarized

We are Unity

We develope our soul’s innate ability to see God in everything and everyone

Always Speak The Truth

From love always, we relearn how to communicate authentically


Weaving together, operating from our souls guidance apart of a larger whole


$22/month, $111/year paid in full

As you move into the membership platform, you gain access to elevated content, videos, podcasts, and a variety of courses, documentaries and more, including; Connected communities Ascension program, Self Mastery, I am balanced, 30 day Self mastery, Unstoppable You, Breathwork Recorded Sessions, eating made easy, the art of self mastery, honing the vessel, self first challenge, Create your life 30 day challenge, health hacking and much more from our growing list of partners.

We also have a variety of coaching programs, and retreats that are deeper, more personal experiences that are beyond what the general membership offers. Of course for being a member you enjoy bonuses and discounts for these programs.

Breathwork Deep Dive

Deepening into the next stage of your self mastery, we have the breath work deep dive. The breathwork deep dive is a 3-week group coaching program that moves participants through masters level biology, physiology, neuroscience, emotional intelligence, and unification physics, combined with a deep experiential practice of a variety of breathing techniques, known as 5D breathwork, complete with the mechanics of abdominal activations, movements and a variety of meditations to cultivate a deeper level of personal awareness and understanding that, of course, leads to greater self-mastery.

This program comes with an expansion workbook for study that you will take home to deepen your practice and learn self-mastery in a variety of areas, so long as you stay committed.

Sacred Self Mastery / Freedom Method

This is our flagship, 6 month group leadership program and is based on the 5 step Freedom Method. By the end of our 6 months together, you can expect to have a profound understanding and acceptance of who you truly are, while reclaiming your power, health, energy, purpose, and mindset, and simultaneously becoming more mindful, and present with more clarified intentions, goals, and steps to take in your life. You will have built up your tool belt and resilience to more clearly continue your journey of self mastery, as you step into radical self responsibility and the ability to align with and operate from the higher laws, while being able to express your own laws, set up your no trespassing signs to take back your property, while beginning to step away from and outside of certain societal jurisdictions. You are now empowered to lead your life from a place of power, co creation, and the narrative you choose to create, rather than the one you are told to. In essence the mission you choose to champion moves through you in your life and business because of who you now know and remember yourself to be.

Of course you can begin and journey through the ecosystem, content and connect with the
community any way you desire and that most resonates with you.